What we do? Digital Adoption!
Use software correctly right away. Without training. Without queries!
AppNavi provides routes that guide the user step-by-step through browser-based SW applications. Learning applications and completing an activity in a live system go hand in hand. Users become more efficient, the helpdesk is relieved and the costs for training users are significantly reduced. Thus, the planned ROI of a software implementation is achieved.
Who we are?
We are a diverse and experienced team with comprehensive experience in the areas of process, change and process management, software development (also offshore), marketing and sales. Our experience in the mid-market and corporate environment has helped us to successfully place AppNavi in numerous complex customer environments already.
What differentiates us?
There are already several digital adoption solutions on the market. We differentiate ourselves from the market competitors especially in the ease of use of our solution (no developer knowledge required), in the “hardening” of our solution in the corporate environment as well as through an attractive and flexible pricing model. Oh yes: AppNavi is also simply well liked by our customers đŸ˜‰